Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The finish line keeps moving...

We now have three months of waiting under our belts. This was supposed to be the half-way mark, the summit of the mountain, etc., etc. It's not. Timeframes for referrals keep stretching out. We heard today from our agency that our dossier is still in translation and has not even moved to the review room yet. (Translation --> Review --> Matching). Frustrating. So then I crawl all over the internet looking for rumors. Bad, bad idea. One agency (and I honestly don't know which) is telling people whose dossiers were logged in during July to expect a June or July referral! The CCAA has already matched through May 13th, so that means four months to match six weeks of dossiers! I can't even do the math to figure out what that means for us, with an October 26th log-in date. This sucks. We started this process thinking it would be six months... and yes, I know I am not entitled to a baby within "my" timeframe and that China is doing the damn best it can. But I am entitled to feel incredibly sad, frustrated, and disappointed. H


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By Natasha Bedingfield