Saturday, June 24, 2006


I think I'm nesting. Of course, there's no physiological reason for this, because I am not *actually* in the ninth month of pregnancy. But I was gone for three days, and all I wanted was to get HOME. Not normal for me. Unfortunately, the mad cleaning/organizing part of nesting hasn't kicked in yet, and it needs to! Time is flying! Arrrrgh. Going to make myself go organize something. H


Blogger Colleen said...

I was organizing all day. Even silly things like my jewlery... ?!?!? Going thru clothes that don't fit... stuff like that! Feels good.

6/24/2006 12:05:00 PM  
Blogger Amyesq said...

Yes, time IS flying! I have a HUGE list of things I would like to get done, before we get Katy home, too. The problem is, this summer's yukcy heat is kind of putting a damper on the motivation. At least I have fall and possibly winter to prepare. You, however, do not! :)

Oh, and have you managed to check out Gymboree's HUGE sale right now? Plus Gymbucks? Hie the to either a store or to the website immediately!

6/25/2006 12:19:00 PM  

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By Natasha Bedingfield